Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone
Ten thousand, 0 square kilometers
About 0 million people *
Main constituent ethnic groups
Mende group, Temune group, (Mixed between blacks and whites) Creole other
Islam, Christianity addition
Major agricultural products industrial products
Cacao beans, mining (diamond, bauxite, rutile)
Adult literacy rate
Men Women. *
Average life
Men 0. old, female. Years old *
HIV infection rate (~ age)
Men., Woman. (0.5 less than in Japan both men and women) *
Infant mortality rate (000 per person)
0 people (Japanese people) *
* 00-year Census, Government of Sierra Leone
* ~ UNFPA (00 years)
Sierra Leone Republic (hereinafter referred to as Sierra Leone) is a small country located in West Africa, and contact with Guinea, Liberia and the border. Rich in minerals, fertile land, rich in rainfall, agriculture's GDP (many self-sufficiency agriculture), the 0 of the exports have accounted mineral products such as diamond. In the tropical rainforest climate is hot and humid.